Random Quotes from “Beautiful Brains” by David Dobbs
National Geographic - Oct 2011
This article was only slightly helpful. I found the author’s worldview in such stark contrast to my own that many of this conclusions were not helpful. However, as with all of us, he did get part of the story right. Here are a few quotes from the article that I found thought provoking if not helpful.
Teenagers value rewards more than consequences. In situations where risk can get them something they want, they value the reward more than the risk or consequence.
The hunt for novelty can go awry when teens try to top each new kick with another, more intense one. But it also helps them find their path.
B J Casey - neuroscientist: there is nothing wrong with a teenager questioning their parent’s beliefs. That's normal and healthy. It helps a teen develop a sense of identity.
Laurence Steinberg - think of teen choices as an equation were consequences are not given the weight they should be. And when teens are around friends, that throws the equation off even more.
Some brain scans show teens react to peer exclusion in much the same way as they respond to physical health or food supply. At a neural level they perceive social rejection as a threat to existence.
Studies show when parents engage and guide their teens with a light but steady hand their kids generally do much better in life.
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