Saturday, May 27, 2006

Volunteers Rule...

Have you ever had that feeling like "if she did not help me, I'd be sunk!"? I have! All the time. I don't know about you, but I love my work, but I also know that my work is very dependant on the volunteer staff that helps in our ministry. Without them, if the did not connect with teens, love on them, hang with parents, challenge kids, stay up late, listen to stories, etc, etc, etc..., there is no way our ministry would function. THREE CHEARS FOR VOLUNTEERS!

If you have not taken time to tell your volunteers how much you appreciate them lately, don't wait. Do it today. If, like me, you're a dork, and have a hard time being a bit creative about it, my friend Kurt wrote a great little book with Katie Edwards that gives you a ton of ideas. Check out Go Team.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

We get DONUTS!

Having a great time @ the game. We're actually winning (but the games not over). We have 12 hits. That means Krispe Kreme for everyone.

My family and I are going to the Royals game today. They are SO BAD, it's not even funny. Last night the sports guy on the news just shook his head and said "I don't know what to say anymore, they're bad." Well, the good news is we got free tickets right behind home plate from a family in the church and because they are so bad, there will not be a crowd. I'm looking forward to a relaxing afternoon with the family.

It's that time of year...

The beginning of summer. It is with bitter/sweet emotion that I welcome summer into my life. On the one hand, I love welcoming the new class of 6th graders into our ministry, on the other hand, my structured nature hates the chaos of the summer schedule. What's a guy to do? Deal with it, I guess.

I'm a bit tired lately - I usually get up at 5:00 am, but lately have been having trouble dragging myself out of bed at 6:30. I think part of this is due to the amount of work that needs to be done at this time of year (winding up the school year while preparing for the summer). My intern starts next week and that's always a blast, but comes with some "startup" time needed in helping her get going. Anyway, blah, blah, blah...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Family is a blast. We are finishing up the overlap sport season (that's the time in May when the Spring sports overlap with the summer sports and life is really crazy for a few weeks). Running to so many baseball/softball games and practices alongside the soccer games and practices can be a lot of running, but it is so much fun. I love watching and cheering my kids on. They make me laugh constantly.

My oldest will join my ministry next summer. I have serious mixed emotions about that one (you know the definition of mixed emotions is when your mother-in-law drives your new car off a cliff). If you have your own kids in your ministry, what advice can you give as I prepare for this new phase of life?

Monday, May 22, 2006


HOLY COW! Was the finale awesome or what????? I loved it! The end of Logan was a bit predictable, but still very well done. Also, as soon as Jack was called into a building, I knew he was a goner, but I had NO IDEA it would be the Chinese again. I totally thought it was the mystery group that was behind Logan. WOW! I can't wait to see where they go with this next season. I LOVE THIS SHOW!


Tonight is the season finale of 24 (my favorite TV show). I can't wait to see how Jack takes out Logan!!!!

In case you're interested...

Last week, I mentioned that I was able to join some friends who are also in young teen ministry for a few days. This yearly gathering always feels like a family reunion of sorts. It's one of the highlights of my year.

I mentioned that we spend our time together talking about Scot McKnight's book Embracing Grace and what it means to communicate the Gospel to teens today. If you'd like to read more about this conversation, you can check out MarkO's blog. He has and will be posting the notes from our time on his blog.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Funny Dance Thing

One of my faithful and AWESOME volunteers, Judi, sent me this link. It's a bit long (6 min), but funny. Enjoy. Evolution of the Dance

I'm Back...

I'm back in Kansas after speding four fun filled and stimulating days with so many of my friends who love middle school students and ministry to them as much as I do. It's funny that even with so many years of experience in the room (around 250), we still are but a frail group with a ton to learn. It is SOOOO encouraging to hear people you think MUST have it all together, say they don't. I love the humility and hearing of the journey of these friends. Thanks to all who were a part.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First Post

So, I'm at the junior high summit and everyone seems to be blogging. I'm feeling the peer pressure to begin a blog, so here it goes.

This week is one I look forward to each year. There are 22 junior high pastors who gather each year to sharpen each other and talk shop on junior high ministry. Each of those who attend have been in ministry for at least ten years and see young teen ministry as a life-long vocation. I enjoy the time because it brings a group of peers in ministry together and that is not an easy thing to do when you're talking junior high ministry. Most of the time, people ask me when I'm going to stop doing young teen ministry. This crowd understands the passion for this age group and the desire to spend a lifetime working with them.

I look forward to posting and sharing thoughts, ideas, and musings on middle school ministry.